I recently returned from a huge business conference in Las Vegas. It was my first time there…and I was like, whoa. Talk about big, bold and bright!! If you’ve ever been to Vegas, then you know there are great restaurants everywhere you look. So, how do you enjoy yourself without completely derailing your fat loss goals and feeling miserable in the process? I live by some very simple rules that I apply not only when on vacay or traveling, but pretty much in my daily life at home as well:

  1. Nothing is completely off-limits. When you start telling yourself “I can’t” have this or that, what happens? I know for me, it just makes me want it even more! A prime example of this for me is wine. I admit it –  I really, really love wine. I mean, really, REALLY love it.  So a few weeks ago, I decided that maybe I was enjoying it a little too much, so I told myself, “no wine for a month”. How do you think that went over? Not great – I thought about wine every night and how much I missed it. So, I compromised and most of the time stick to a “once per week” guide. Another trick I use where this is concerned is changing my verbiage from “I can’t have” to “I choose not to have.” Very subtle change in language, but a huge change in the thought processes that each statement brings about. If I know that nothing is completely off-limits, and I have the choice of having this or that, then I feel more in control than by telling myself “I can’t” have or do something. Make sense?
  2. Moderation in everything. I stick to an 80 to 90% eat clean rule. Since nothing is entirely off-limits, if I really want something, I will have it – but usually 3 to 5 bites is enough to satisfy the craving. Also, I eat slowwwwwly…giving my brain time to process whether the craving has been satisfied.
  3. Start with salad. I always start a meal with a big salad full of fibrous veggies. This helps fill you up, so that when it’s time for the main course, you aren’t so ravenous. We went to a couple of HUGE buffets while we were in Vegas, and I always hit up the salad and veggies first before digging into the other goodies.
  4. Fibrous veggies, protein, starch – in that order: I consider this the golden rule of fat loss from Metabolic Effect. Most of your plate should contain fibrous veggies (think broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc.),  then protein, then a few bites of starch, if desired.
  5. Fat trumps carbs: yep, I said it. Another tenet from Metabolic Effect. If you have the choice between a fattier cut of meat over starches, then go for the fattier meat!
2013-08-11 10.01.05
Staying lean on vacay!!


When you start telling yourself “I can’t” have this or that, what happens?


So now that you have the basic rules I live by pretty much day in and day out, here’s how it played out most days in Vegas:

  • 14-hour overnight fast 
  • Pre-workout: Greens/Fruits/Mineral Drink, coffee (coffee is a non-negotiable for me)
  • Post-workout: Cleanse drink
  • 30 minutes post-workout: High quality, no artificial ingredients protein shake or protein bar (check your labels carefully!)
  • Lunch: High quality, no artificial ingredients protein shake or protein bar OR huge salad with protein
  • Snack: High quality, no artificial ingredients protein shake or protein bar
  • Dinner: big ole salad, all the protein I wanted (steak, chicken, pork, etc.), a tiny bit of starch (if desired; most of the time not), 1 glass red wine (if desired), 3-5 bites of dessert (if desired).

I know what you’re thinking: wow, that’s a lot of shakes and bars!! And to be honest, I would have said the same thing a year ago. But the shakes and bars I choose to use actually have tons of nutrients, minerals, etc. and NO artificial crud. Truth be told, I actually feel better and have more energy when I eat/drink them twice per day. That being said, when at home, I do typically eat more fork/knife meals (2 shakes, 2’ish meals). When traveling though, this is just more convenient, and I don’t have to worry whether I’m getting enough protein, aminos, minerals, etc.

I came home exactly the same as I left, and enjoyed myself immensely – never feeling deprived, but never feeling miserably stuffed either. This is what happens when you make this a “lifestyle”. It’s easy. It’s effortless. It’s sustainable. You can do it FOREVER. No extremes, no all or nothing mindset. Period.

How do you navigate the fat loss waters when traveling or on vacay? Let me know!!



P.S. want help coming up with your own sustainable fat loss lifestyle plan? Shoot me a note! Tara@PrimeLifeFit.com


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