Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

While this post is a departure from my normal ones, I feel it is an important one given how much we are online all day, every day.

Each year, our reliance on the online world grows – whether you’re working from home or reconnecting with old friends on social media. Furthermore, there’s no denying that the internet plays a pivotal role in your children’s lives, too, with 97% of 3-18-year-olds having access to the internet.

While there are many benefits associated with using the internet in our daily lives, it does come with its drawbacks, especially when it comes to safety. For example, not only does our digital footprint spark privacy concerns (particularly among younger users), but cyberattacks are on the rise, with any individual’s private information being leaked online. 

With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to ensure your family stays safe online!

Set Secure Passwords. 

Setting secure passwords is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself online, as it protects you from hackers and ensures your private information remains private. Despite this, “password” remains the 5th most popular password globally. 

As a result, you should choose complex passwords that aren’t easy to guess from an outsider’s perspective, strengthening them through the use of special characters and numbers. You should also change your passwords every few months for extra security and avoid using the same password over and over again.

Monitor social media use. 

While your children may view social media as a way to make memories with friends and family or stay on top of the latest trends, it’s important that you monitor their usage of these platforms carefully. Set their profiles to private, and ensure that they only accept follow requests from people they know and trust. While they should be allowed more digital freedom as they get older, you should talk about the dangers of social media in depth so they understand the situation and act accordingly. 

You should also be mindful of the way in which you use social media, even if you use it professionally, such as to run an online training program.

Delete your search history. 

Learning how to clear google history (or your history on other search engines) can also improve your online security, as it reduces your digital footprint. This can also help to reduce the amount of targeted advertisements you face each time you get online, as the data for these ads is often scraped from your search history! This way, you may feel a little safer and a lot less “monitored” when browsing online, though you should make sure you regularly remove your history if you want this to work in your favor.

Use Safety Software.

Using safety software, such as anti-virus programs, can also come in handy when staying safe online. They will automatically flag websites that are suspicious and dangerous so that you’re able to exit out of them quickly. Furthermore, they can troubleshoot a wide range of security issues, which gives you much greater peace of mind moving forward.

While most people are happy to pay for security software due to how beneficial these tools are, there are some free options, too. Alternatively, you can try out a free trial of a specific software before buying it so that you know you’re getting your money’s worth. 

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